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The performance of the network is a common concern
when mixing low-speed stations with high-performance
networks. In reality the performance impact is
dependent on the specific network setup and traffic
patterns. A common misconception in Wi-Fi networking
is that adding an 802.11b station to an 802.11b/g
network will bring the whole network down to 802.11b
This application note describes a low volume of “b”
traffic will not show perceptible impact on a “g” network
and it also uses a mathemat ical proof to describe the
affect of adding a low-data transfer 802.11b station and
various radios onto an 802.11b/g network. In many
cases the addition of an 802.11b station is not more
detrimental to the network than adding another 802.11g
station. In addition, while its bandwidth may reduce, the
operating rate of the original 802.11g station is not
affected by adding an 802.11b radio.
This analysis assumes only basic distributed
coordination function (DCF) between stations that all
hardware supports in Infrastructure mode. More
efficient methods like point co-ordination functions or
hybrid co-ordination functions (added to IEEE 802.11-
2007) are not utilized. Such optimizations can be used
to reduce the impact of certain traffic.
The Effect of Adding Radios on 802.11g Network

Author: Mark Wright and Sidharth Thakur Setting up the Model
Microchip Technology Inc. The model starts with a control station on an 802.11b/g
network. The control case has only the control station
connected wirelessly on the network. The model
determines the maximum bandwidth capability of the
