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免费资料-嵌入式Linux调研报告(Embedded Lin...

Embedded Linux SurveyEmbedded/Real-Time Linux Survey
Alain Mosnier July 2005 Version 0.3

Copyright 4Real AB 2005. All right reserved.


1 Executive summary
The aim of this survey is to get a snapshot of the Linux embedded and real-time markets today, and to some extent, its outlook for tomorrow. The type of information present in the report is a blend of market and technical information, though never deeply technical. In chapter 4 “Questions to be answered in this report“, page 10, we give a list of questions that this report aims to answer. We give hereafter summarized answers to those questions:

Why choosing Linux as an embedded/real time OS? What are the advantages and drawbacks?

Different embedded system suppliers will find different advantages and drawbacks to using Linux depending, among other
免费资料-嵌入式Linux调研报告(Embedded Lin...
