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This application note analyzes the calibration algorithm
from theoretical and numerical approaches. It includes
two calibration procedures, including information on
setting up lab equipment, board modifications and addi-
tional hardware for the TrueGauge calibration. Lastly, it
includes the methodology for re-biasing the compara-
tors for different voltage, current and temperature ranges.
This calibration procedure can be modified to perform
calibration in an automated manufacturing/test environ-
This procedure assumes the user is familiar with the
TrueGauge demo kit P/N DV114001, documentation,
hardware, and TrueGauge assemblies. Also that the
TrueGauge demo software programs “TG Demo” and
“Calibration” have been installed in Windows

and the
hardware has been functionally tested.
Required Equipment:
Calibrating the MTA11200 System

Calibrating the MTA11200 System

INTRODUCTION Notes and Precautions:
This application note analyzes the calibration algorithm 1. This calibration procedure requires slight modifica-
from theoretical and numerical approaches. It includes tion of the TrueGauge and Charger/Discharger board
two calibration procedures, including information on assemblies to simulate ideal battery and thermistor
setting up lab equipment, board modifications an
