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Stellaris Robotic Evaluation Board Documentation Addendum

Stellaris Robotic Evaluation Board Documentation Addendum

Stellaris Robotic Evaluation Board
This document provides the latest information for assembling and using your Stellaris Robotic
Evaluation Board (EVALBOT).

Assembly Information
Due to plating tolerances, it might be difficult to fit the wheels to the motor shaft if the wheel is
assembled first. Instead, fit all three wheel pieces to the motor shaft before inserting the set-screws.
This ensures correct alignment of the three wheel pieces.

The EVALBOT hardware supports USB device as a self-powered device from either batteries or the
ICDI USB cable. Bus-powered USB device operation is no longer provided.
NOTE: EVALBOTs with serial numbers less than 50910-1500 do not support using the ICDI USB
connector as a power source. During debugging, either insta
Stellaris Robotic Evaluation Board Documentation Addendum
