首页 > 分享下载 > 模拟IC/电源 > 28.医疗设备市场中反射式表面光学运动感应编码器应用便携式高性价比传感器


In the complex medical device market today, device manu-facturers strive to develop products that have competitive advantages and compelling end-user value. For instance, demand is rapidly increasing for home-managed therapy as consumer awareness grows of the benefts and cost savings of self-administered medical care.
Portable and Affordable Sensors
for the Medical Device Market
Reflective Surface Optical Motion Sensor Encoders

White Paper

In the complex medical device market today, device manu- to include new technologies that offer the same or better
facturers strive to develop products that have competitive performance and quality levels as old solutions have.
advantages and compelling end-user value. For instance, Newer technology is usually more compact and weighs
demand is rapidly increasing for home-managed therapy less.
as consumer awareness grows of the benefits and cost
One new technology example surrounds miniature re-
savings of self-administered medical care.
