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高线性度上变频混频器设计2004 年 12 月

Chi nese Journal of E l ectron D evi ces

D ec. 2004

A Highly Linear Up-conversion Mixer in 0.25 μ m CMO S Technology
LI Ming,TANG Shou-lo ng,LUO Lan,HUANG Cheng, SH I Long-xing
(Natio nal ASIC System Engineering Research Center , Southeast University , Nanj ing 2 1 00 9 6, China )

Abstract:T hi s paper gi ves a bri ef i ntroducti on to doubl e-conversi on recei ver and i ts advantages, and desi gns an up -conversi on m i x er for double-conversi on D T V tuner i n 0. 25 μ m C M O S technol ogy . Si m ul ati on resul ts i ndi cate good perform ance w i th 3 dB conversi on gai n,and 10 dB m IIP 3. T he gai n vari ety i sl ess th an 0.5 dB w i thi n 50~860 M H z range. T he m i xer consum es 20 m A current i n single 3.3 V suppl y. T he ch i p i s tested and good frequency-m i
