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An enhanced-bandwidth integrat...

An enhanced-bandwidth integrated dual L antenna for mobile communications systems-design and measurementAN ENIIANCED-BANDWIDTH INTEGRATED DUAL L ANTENNA FOR MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS -- DESIGN AND MEASWREMENT

Kathleen Virga* and Yahya Rahmat-Samii Department of Electrical Engineering University of California, Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 90024-1594

I. Introduction. The recent efforts aimed at improving available mobile communications have generated interest in the performance of compact antenna structures mounted on portable devices. Some of the desired features for these antennas include broad bandwidth, simple impedance matching to the feed line, isotropic radiation, and low profile geometry. One antenna that has received attention is the planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) [l], a probe-fed air-substrate microstrip radiator. Fig. 1 shows the PIFA configuration. The short-circuit placed a
An enhanced-bandwidth integrat...
